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I thought I would share a few healthy snack ideas with you today! I like to switch it up with my snacks just as I do any other meal. It keeps me from getting bored and it makes it fun to come up with new ideas. Gotta keep the taste buds guessing! 🙂

nori turkey wraps

Nori wrapped turkey slices.

melty chocolate pb bananaMelty banana w/peanut butter, melted dark chocolate & cashews

pb marshamllow dip
Apple w/peanut butter marshmallow dip:
2 tbsp. greek yogurt
1 tbsp. cellucor peanut butter marshmallow protein powder
1/2 tbsp. pb2
1/2 tsp. stevia
a lil almond milk if necessary
stir together.
Pear nachos
Pear nachos: drizzled w/melted almond butter & sprinkled w/ dried cranberries, pumpkin seeds, carob chips & desiccated coconut

sweet potato delight
Baked sweet potato w/peanut butter & a chopped brownie quest bar
edamame hummus
Mini bell peppers w/hummus
Edamame hummus
1 bag frozen shelled edamame, thawed
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 tbsp. tahini
2 garlic cloves
3 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/4 tsp. ground coriander or some fresh cilantro
1/4 tsp. cumin
Blend in food processor til smooth.

*You can make tons of hummus variations using garbanzo beans and other flavors such as roasted red pepper and cilantro jalapeno (which is my fave) etc. Start making your own and get creative. I usually freeze half for later if it’s just me eating it so it doesn’t go bad.

pear and almond butter
Like peanut butter & apple I love almond butter & pear together.

aloha trail mix
Aloha Trail Mix
dried bananas
dried pineapple
dried mango
desiccated coconut

*Make sure you buy unsweetened dried fruit. Otherwise it’s loaded with sugar which isn’t necessary because the fruit is sweet enough on it’s own! If it doesn’t say unsweetened it probably isn’t.

sweet & salty coconut almond popcorn

Coconut Almond Sweet & Salty Popcorn
1 tbsp. melted coconut oil
1 tbsp. almond butter
2 tbsp. chopped almonds
2 tbsp. shredded coconut
1 tsp. stevia
pinch rock salt
Mix together and pour over plain popcorn & put in freezer 10 min to harden.
*Make you own popcorn by putting 2 tbsp. kernels in a small brown paper bag (lunch bag size) fold down and microwave 2 min or so. This serves 2. Popcorn is actually a healthy snack as long as it isn’t loaded in butter and salt. It packs a lil protein & fiber too!